Welcome To The RRA

Congratulations on taking the first step toward helping your dog succeed!

Life With A Reactive Dog Can Be A Nightmare

"Our guy is very triggered by external noises (and sometimes sights) specifically when we are at home or in a home he's comfortable with."

"At the park he'll seem interested in sniffing / mingling but then quickly turns into barking and chasing the other dogs off with hackles up. It feels like he's intentionally provoking so we would spend half the time at parks navigating him away from the trigger breeds. We've since stopped going to the park since it seemed to worsen his dislike."

"Passing dogs on walks is a HUGE struggle (even with creating distance)"

Owning A Reactive Dog Can Rule Your Life

"I’m worried that my dog will never be able to have a consistent dog walking experience when I go to work (he has had more reactivity with dog walkers vs me), worried other people besides me can’t handle him, I wonder if he’ll ever be less reactive and able to go chill at a brewery again"

"Like I could be doing more or failing him somewhere."

Your Fears And Trauma Are Real

Having a reactive dog is frustrating, embarrassing, and even traumatic. We understand you, and we are here for you.

  • You're always wondering who is around the corner and scanning the environment for your dog's triggers.

  • You're embarrassed to walk your dog or have visitors over, for fear of you dog having an explosion.

  • You can't remember the last time you actually had a relaxing outing with your dog.

  • You may have spent a lot of money on unsuccessful training programs, pricy board and train, or unskilled/inexperienced trainers.

Being Surprised By Triggers And Going From Calm To Crazy Is Super Frustrating

Keeping your dog and others safe is a priority, but it doesn't mean you can't still enjoy some time with them. The key is finding balance between working on reactivity skills while also making sure they're having fun!

The truth is, a dog with reactivity problems will affect your relationship. You might find yourself always on edge and feeling like you aren’t doing enough to help them when the reality couldn't be further from the truth!

We cannot cure your dog's discomfort by scolding him. In fact, his stress will only increase when you punish barking and lunging because he thinks that it is a sign of serious issue with life-threatening consequences for himself or others around him.

With Reactive Rover Academy, you'll be able to calm down and accommodate your reactive dog in no time. The course is easy-to follow online training program that has been designed for those of us who have had trouble with understanding our animals' behavior patterns when they're feeling triggered or overwhelmed--a problem we know all too well!

"I've learned more from you in one hour than I did after spending $6,000 and weeks of sessions with our last trainer."

This Course Is Different From Those "Other" Guys

In addition to our online curriculum, you receive LIVE weekly group coaching sessions with our trainers to go over topics, answer Q&A, and practice exercises in real time. In addition to our live sessions, you will also receive personalized feedback on your homework submissions, ensuring you're not left behind like those "pre-recorded" courses.

Imagine The Feeling Of Confidence Knowing You’ve Got The Right Skills To Communicate With Your Reactive Dog

  • Happiness Instead Of Frustration

  • Calm Instead Of Crazy

  • Strengthened Bond

This Course Will Change Your Life

Reactivity is involuntary. In the RRA, you'll understand why your dog reacts in a certain way, identify their triggers, and how to calm him down while simultaneously changing his emotional response to the trigger.

Understand why your dog is reactive and how to prevent it. This means you'll be able to remain calm and help your dog calm down the next time it happens.

Learn how to counter condition your dog so that we reprogram his neuro pathways and alter his emotional response. This means you can go on walks without worries and frustration.

Enjoy a happier, stress-free life with your dog, free of frustration, stress, or fear! You can go back to having fun with your dog, instead of dreading it.

With This Training Program, Your Dog's Reactive Behavior Could Be A Thing Of The Past!

Unleash Your Dog's Potential

Learn to communicate effectively and enjoy walks with your reactive dog! Students will learn to create positive feedback loops in the presence of triggers through our online curriculum, as well as weekly group coaching calls with Jenn!

Social Proof: Testimonials


by Matthew E.

Four Leggers was highly recommended to us by the shelter we adopted our dog from. And it's not hard to see why! We couldn't have been more pleased with Jenn and her team. They are super knowledgable, extremely passionate, and patient teachers (for the humans, ha). We felt in such good hands while at our 1:1 private training with our new pup. We have already noticed improvements and are looking forward to what is achieved over the coming weeks. Can't recommend them enough!

Class Begins Soon

The next round of the RRA begins March 22nd, 2024 - space is extremely limited to ensure all students receive feedback!

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds

Tuition Options

Tuition may be completed in full, or in monthly payments broken down in to 2 or 3 monthly payments.

How Does It Work?

Each week, you will receive access to lessons averaging 30-60 minutes in length total. Your homework assignments will be included each week, to be worked on throughout the next 7 days. We also hold a 1 hour live zoom session weekly with all students (which will be recorded as well), for Q&A, support, troubleshooting, etc. In addition to 12 weeks of training material and feedback, you will also receive access to an exclusive bonus section! This area is full of tips, tricks, recommended products, and more, exclusively for you and your reactive dog. Students can participate in weekly group coaching calls with Jenn, as well as receive private feedback on their video submissions!

  • Years Of Acquired Tips And Tricks

    Jenn has over 10+ years of experience working with reactive dogs and she's going to share all the knowledge that comes from it. You'll get access not only into how you can manage your pup during walks but also common mistakes people make when taking on such an animal as well!

  • Time-Saving Material

    If you want to get the most out of your training, don't waste time on uncertified trainers. Jenn will provide sound and science-backed training tips that can help all dogs! Each week's curriculum is 30-60 minutes of active viewing time, to ensure you have plenty of time to go out and work on the curriculum with your pup! Feedback will be provided to each student based on their video submissions, to ensure that you are set up for success moving forward.

  • Support Is Critical

    As the pet parent of several reactive dogs over the years, you're not alone here and we understand what you're working with. We get it - it's embarrassing, frustrating, and can be downright dangerous. In the Academy, you'll be learning from real people with real dogs who have been right there with you. A large part of this program is support, both from your instructors, and from your fellow classmates. We encourage you to share your experiences, empathize with one another, and learning how to move forward after experiencing past trauma with your reactive dog.

Join The Waitlist

Not quite ready to take the plunge? Add your email to the mailing list for information and availability on the next course.

Thank You